How To Lower Heart Rate While Running

If you’re a fan of running, then you’ll know it can be hard work. One of the biggest issues you’ll face while running is when your heart rate gets too high.

How To Lower Heart Rate While Running

Managing your heart rate will help you run for longer and prevent issues like fatigue and cramping.

But how exactly do you lower your heart rate while running?

Don’t worry, because we’ve got all the answers right here! In this handy guide, we’ll teach you some handy tips and tricks for lowering your heart rate while you run, so you can get the most out of your running!

So let’s get started, shall we?

Why It’s Important To Moderate Your Heart Rate While You’re Running?

First things first – why is it so important to lower your heart rate while running in the first place? 

Like any exercise, running increases your heart rate.

This is because your muscles are using energy to move your body, and these muscles need the oxygen in your blood to keep going; as a result, the more you run the more your heart needs to pump.

However, if your heart rate gets too high it can cause problems like fatigue, overheating, and a buildup of lactic acid.

This means that maintaining a steady heart rate will help you run for longer without getting tired or fatigued.

Five Tips For Lowering Your Heart Rate While Running

So now that we’ve covered why it’s so important to keep your heart rate in check while you’re running, let’s take a closer look at some of the best ways to lower your heart rate!

1) Focus On Your Breathing

Proper breathing is one of the most important things to consider if you’re trying to keep your heart rate down while you’re running.

When you run (or doing any other exercise, for that matter) your muscles need more oxygen to function properly.

Because oxygen travels through the bloodstream from the lungs, your heart will beat faster to move enough oxygen around your body.

Regulating your breathing will help deliver more oxygen to your lungs and, by extension, into your blood.

This means that keeping your breathing under control will reduce the amount of work your heart needs to do in order to get oxygen to your muscles, which lowers your heart rate.

Try to focus on regular, steady breaths while you’re running.

Inhale and exhale using both your nose and mouth in order to get the most oxygen into your lungs as possible, and focus on ‘belly breathing’ – using your diaphragm and abdominal muscles to pump air in and out of your body.

2) Practice Cardio And Other Aerobic Exercise

Running on its own won’t help you get your heart rate down, so it’s a good idea to switch things up with some other exercises to help lower your heart rate while running.

Aerobic exercises are particularly beneficial; these are exercises that require oxygen and increase your heart rate, and are typically more endurance-focused.

Cardio is one of the best examples of aerobic exercise, and will help you manage your heart rate better when you’re running.

Some great forms of aerobic exercises that are perfect for runners are cycling and swimming. Both of these exercises use more energy than running, but keep your heart rate lower.

This means that they make great training exercises that help you prepare your body for running and will keep your heart rate lower.

How To Lower Heart Rate While Running

3) Build Up To Longer Runs

You won’t see much improvement if you dive right in at the deep end. Going straight to long-distance running won’t help you lower your heart rate, so it’s better to build up to it instead. 

Start out by running shorter distances, and build up to longer runs from there. This will help you condition your body for running, and will help you maintain a lower heart rate as a result.

Building up to long-distance runs over time also helps with endurance and stamina – if you’re interested in long-distance running like a marathon, then practicing small runs will be much more effective training than starting out running miles at a time.

Proper warm ups before running is also crucial for keeping your heart rate down.

Preparing your body for exercise with a short warm up will make it easier to control your heart rate and get your body moving.

4) Take Walking Breaks

It’s easy to get burnt out when you’re running, and pushing yourself too hard will keep you from making any progress.

Pay attention to your limits and take walking breaks when you feel your heart rate getting too high.

You don’t need to stop completely – a brisk walk or even a gentle jog will get your heart rate back under control without you having to stop running. 

Taking walk breaks when you’re running will also lower the build up of lactic acid and reduce muscle fatigue, both of which can increase your heart rate.

By taking time to recover before you get back to running, you’ll be putting less pressure on your muscles and heart and be able to lower your heart rate.

5) Listen To Your Body

Finally, it’s always important to listen to your body.

Pain, fatigue, and breathlessness will all increase your heart rate, so don’t put too much strain on your body while you’re running if you want to keep your heart rate low.

Your body will tell you if it needs a break – listen to it!

As mentioned before, pushing yourself too hard will prevent you from making any actual progress and won’t do anything to keep your heart rate down.

So if you feel your heart rate rising  or if you just need to take a rest, don’t ignore what your body’s telling you.

Listening to the signals your body gives you will let you get the most out of your running and will help you lower your heart rate in the process.

Final Thoughts

Trying to manage your heart rate while you’re running might seem like an impossible task at first, but it’s fairly easy to do with the right knowledge and enough practice.

By using the handy tips in this guide, you’ll be able to lower your heart rate while running so you run for longer and get the most out of your exercise!

Richard Harris